Monday, November 24, 2014

Drug Flow Into The United States

All things considered, the drug superhighway is running smoothly as cocaine is causing more trouble than ever in its largest markets (U.S. and Europe)

Where do our drugs come from?

                    Growing  for drug policy reform continues in Latin America, but continual carnage in Mexico and a U.S. government-sponsored study that rips U.S. drug policy, America's 40-year war on drugs is still raging.

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                   We've covered how cocaine gets from the fields in Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia, to the world's largest drug market. A retired police General turned himself into the DEA admitting that he helped drug gangs and right wing paramilitaries smuggle cocaine to Mexico and the United States while he was the head of security for the President of Columbia.

                    Believe it or not, the more America spends on the drug war the cheaper the drugs are. In the U.N.'s drug report for 2012 it shows us how the United States has a high demand for marijuana, cocaine, and pain killers. 

                    All of this information got these people to thinking about how drugs make from Latin America to American Cities, so they put together a map to show you. I will tell you.

                    drugsAll things considered, the drug superhighway is running smoothly as cocaine is causing more trouble than ever in its largest markets (U.S. and Europe)

                  Most of the drugs that enter the U.S. come from Central and South America.
                  Mexico is the transit zone between the biggest source of drugs and the biggest consumer.
                  95% of cocaine imports are brought by Mexican cartels through Mexico and Central America.
                  The drugs are shipped in a variety of ways and flow through a variety of cartels.
                  Despite wars between cartels, most shipments make it through Mexico to the U.S. border. The battle to control the border claims the most lives.
                  As a comparison, here's how heroin makes it to it's largest market. Demand is geographically skewed in the U.S. as the west prefers methamphetamines and the east prefers cocaine.
                  The supply routes for meth follow the demand. The same goes for coke so the sellers can reap the biggest possible profit.
                  Marijuana distribution, like preference for it, is more balanced. And the same goes for heroin. Here are the aggregate answers from local law enforcement agencies when asked: " What drug poses the greatest threat to your area?" All things considered the drug superhighway is running smoothly as cocaine is causing more trouble than ever in it's largest markets ( U.S. and Europe).

All things considered, the drug superhighway is running smoothly as cocaine is causing more trouble than ever in its largest markets (U.S. and Europe)

By: Melissa M. Kibler